We are so delighted to be launching our 'Debutantes' platform for debut authors! We’re calling out to unpublished writers across the globe to submit works of up to 2,000 words which we will then host on our website and promote via our monthly publications and on our social media accounts.
In this initial callout we're asking for submissions of any kind: poetry, creative writing, essays, short fiction, non-fiction and more.
We recognise how hard it can be for debut authors to get their foot on the first rung of the publishing ladder and we want to help. As a team we’re passionate about connecting debut writers with publishers and literary agencies which will take them onto the next step in their writing careers!
N.B. Writers will not be paid for their work. The Debut Digest is a voluntary publication and wishes to use the Debutantes platform to help promote and support aspiring writers.
Do you have a piece of work you'd like to submit? Get in touch with us at TheDebutDigest@gmail.com
Please read our guidelines before submitting your work. Download a PDF of our guidelines by clicking here.