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Review of Fledging by Rose Diell

Lia lays an egg and is struggling to come to terms with how her body is able to birth something so bizarre. In her thirties and unsure whether she wants to have children, Lia is constantly harassed by the idea that she’s running out of time. Her friends are getting married and having children, but Lia is content in her relationship and all her energy is reserved for her songwriting and looking after her mother. But now she has to look after this egg. Cracks begin to appear on the white shell, then one day the egg hatches and Lia is thrust into parenthood (kinda). Caring for this strange, feathered creature should be the answer to whether she is equipped for motherhood, surely?

This book is so clever and careful with how it explores women’s bodies, the choice of motherhood, and how a need to create does not always equal a need to procreate. A stunning, spectacular, very thoughtful novella every woman who is struggling with the societal pressure to make up their mind about having children should read.

Review by Victoria.

Fledging was published on 28/08/24 by Renard Press.




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