Well, this 176 page novella packed one hell of a literary punch and I adored every single page of it! Remember, Remember transports us to London in 1770 (165 years after the Gunpowder Plot) where we meet Delphine who lives in a world of fellow rebels and those who have escaped the lives of slavery. When justice is subverted and Delphine’s brother, Vincent, is still held captive, Delphine takes matters into her own hands. Delphine, her family and her fellow rebels know that they must face such cruetly and injustice with explosive action.

The stakes are high as the danger may make or break their lives apart. Remember, Remember is a story about united strengths and standing up for yourself and those you love. Sprinkled with queer identity, romance and friendship, Remember, Remember is a powerful and spellbinding debut that will leave you breathless
Remember, Remember was published on 29/02/24 by HarperNorth.